Curry Beef 咖喱牛肉 0


牛肉 beef: 300g, 土豆 potato: 1 ea., 洋蔥 onion: 適量 Half head or As needed, 胡蘿蔔carrot: 半根 Half ea., 日式咖喱塊 curry: 適量As needed, 水 water: 適量As needed, 奶類 dairy: 適量 As much as water, 咖啡或者巧克力 instead coffee or chocolate: 5g


1Cut beef, carrot, potato and onion to dice. 土豆,牛肉,胡蘿蔔和洋蔥切塊

2Fried beef and onion together, add potato and carrot. Keep frying, add curry. Add water and dairy product(can be 2% milk. Coconut milk, peanut milk or cream. Dairy product can replace water if it is not cream, but the quantity should be increase  ). 牛肉和洋蔥一起炒好,加入土豆和胡蘿蔔。放入咖喱塊,上色後加入水和奶製品,奶製品可以是純牛奶,花生奶,椰奶或者奶油

3Boiled until carrot and potato are done. Add instand coffee or chocolate. Instead coffee or chocolate is the key to make curry in better taste. 蓋上鍋蓋煮熟,直到土豆和蘿蔔可以入口,放入咖啡粉或者巧克力,咖啡粉或者巧克力是咖喱好吃的小秘訣


