Stuffed Apple Turnover Bites


Apple Butter Cashew Cheese: ------------, soaked raw cashews: 1 cup, apple, chopped: 1/2 large, maple syrup: 1 tbsp, lemon juice: 1 tbsp, cinnamon: 1 tsp, Water: As needed, Turnover Triangles: ---------------, whole wheat tortillas: 2 medium, Apple Butter cashew Cheese: 3 tbsp, orange zest: 1 tsp, apple, thinly sliced: 1/2, Cinnamon: A pinch, Dipping Sauce: --------------, yogurt: 1/2 cup, orange zest: To taste


1Make apple butter by blending all ingredients in a high speed blender until smooth.

2Spread apple butter cashew cheese evenly over one of the tortillas, then add the apple slices, citrus zest and pinch of cinnamon.

3Warm a saute pan over high heat. Place the tortilla with the spread and apples in the pan. Place the other tortilla on top.

4Allow this tortilla side to cook for 3-4 minutes, or until browned. Carefully flip tortillas in pan and cook for another 2-3 minutes, just to brown the other side and heat the filling, softening the apples.

5Turn off heat and let the tortillas rest in the pan for 2 minutes, then slide it out onto a cutting board to further rest. When cool enough to slice, slice into quarters or eighths.

6Whip together the dipping sauce by stirring the ingredients briskly with a spoon.


8Store leftover cashew cheese in the fridge for up to 3-4 days -- this can be used as a dip or spread.


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