雞油菌時蔬煎蛋Chantrelle vegetables fried egg?


雞油菌 Chanterlle: 一把 one hand full, 胡椒粉 Black pepper: 些許 a little bit, 奇異籽(可不加) Chia seed: 一勺 one teaspoon, 雞蛋 egg: 兩顆 two piece, 菠菜 spinach: 一把 a bunch, 牛肉(可不加) beef: 兩小塊 two tiny pieces, 鹽 salt: 少許 a little bit


1把雞油菌切丁.Cut the chanterelle in tiny pieces.

2把菠菜切丁. Cut the spinach in tiny pieces too.

3將兩樣食材都放進碗里. Put it in the bowl.

4加入蛋,牛肉,黑胡椒和鹽. Add eggs, beef, black pepper and salt.

5攪拌均勻. Stir it.

6打開中火後倒入橄欖油,然後將所有的食材倒入鍋中. Turn on middle heat and add some olive oil in the pan. Then put everything in the pan.

7在蛋表面加上些許的奇異籽. Add the chia seeds on the top of the egg.

8蓋上鍋蓋,煎3分鐘. Cover the cap and wait for three minutes

9將蛋翻面. 蛋煎到呈現焦黃色最佳 (只有比較酥脆,不是燒焦喔)Turn the side of the egg. It's better to fried the egg a little brownish (to make sure it's crunchy)

10切塊後,放入盤內就可以上桌咯. Cut in pieces and it's done.


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